
Objectives pursued and expected outcomes

Last update: 13 March 2024

Description of objectives pursued by the DISSEM-INN project.

The DeSIRA initiative
Launched at the One Planet Summit in Paris in 2017, the “Development Smart Innovation through Research in Agriculture (DeSIRA)” initiative is supported by European Commission’s Directorate for International Partnerships (DG INTPA). By funding more than sixty projects worldwide, this program aims to promote innovation in agriculture and transformation of partner countries’ agri-food systems to make them more resilient to the effects of climate change. Through the original concept of “action-research” for a “development smart innovation”, it seeks to promote a science in partnership that meet development challenges.

Objectives pursued

The DISSEM-INN project concerns a set of eight projects* launched under the EU initiative Development Smart Innovation through Research in Agriculture (DeSIRA) and implemented in the Sahel. These projects contribute to the development of sustainable agri-food systems that are resilient to climate change, by focusing on innovation processes, each in a specific field.

The experience acquired by these projects through the design and implementation of innovations is a valuable source of knowledge, which needs to be promoted through cross-cutting efforts by a dedicated initiative.

The general purpose of the DISSEM-INN project is to enable the capitalisation and promotion of the knowledge and practices generated in terms of the production and dissemination of innovations within the eight DeSIRAs involved.

  • DISSEM-INN aims first to facilitate the sharing of information and lessons on methods, practices and key achievements in the production, dissemination and adoption of innovations developed within the eight projects involved.
  • DISSEM-INN also proposes that this set of eight projects collectively reflect on how to scale up their shared innovation approach and their results through the development of coherent advocacy strategies at the Sahel country and sub-regional levels.

Expected outcomes

Through the deployment of its activities, the DISSEM-INN project aims to achieve the following outcomes:

  • The members of the DeSIRAs involved will have shared knowledge of the approaches, achievements and lessons of the others, enabling them to reflect on their own practices.
  • Discussions will be launched at the national and sub-regional levels to identify advocacy options for scaling the shared innovation approach of the DeSIRA projects concerned and their results.
  • Beyond the participants in the DeSIRA projects concerned, a wider range of institutional actors from research, development and civil society in the Sahel region will have access to the knowledge produced by this regular dialogue on innovation in easily accessible and understandable formats.

* Originally, the DISSEM-INN project involved a total of nine DeSIRA projects, including INV-Niger, but due to the discontinuation of its activities, DISSEM-INN has capitalized on only eight projects since 2023.

Last update: 13 March 2024